
Friday, June 25, 2021

My amazing literacy work

 Hello again bloggers this week I am blogging on my literacy work that I did I Miss Smiths literacy group it took me a 3 days to complete this doc it is on a famous piano artist that stared his piano when he was three years old.

The piano artist and his name was lang lang and he is a is very good at the piano and he has played lots piano over his life.

here is my slide that I made. look at it well and it well help you make your own doc.       

Friday, June 18, 2021

my awesome literacy work

 Hello again bloggers. This week I am blogging on my literacy work that I did in Miss Smiths literacy group. We had to make a plan before we made the poster. We had to write some facts in our books before we put it on our plan on our devices. 

It took me a few days to finish my plan and it took me 30 min to finish my doc we had to make the poster on a google doc it would have to have to have at least have 4 paragraphs and 2 paragraphs for each topic I did my doc on banksy a anonymous graffiti artiest  and he does his art in the middle of the night read my doc below to find more.  

have you ever made a poster on a doc? or have you ever made a poster? tell me in the comments below 


Friday, June 11, 2021

My amazing maths work

 Hello again bloggers it's me Victor. This week I am blogging on my maths work that I did with Mrs Kerin. It was this slide on volume ,area and perimeter. She gave us two slides to finish and I finished both of the slides that she gave me.

It took me 3 days to finish both of the slides that she gave me. Some of the questions that she gave us on the slides were very hard to complete and some of the questions that she gave me were easy.

Here are the slides that I made have a good look at the  slides that I made it might help you understand more about volume, area and perimeter if you don't know lots about volume, area and perimeter 

Did you learn anything new?